1. fine: falls within the smallest size continuum for a particular nature of surface term. (S-4 425.6)
  2. medium: falls within the moderate size continuum for a particular nature of surface term. (S-4 425.6)
  3. coarse: falls within the largest size continuum for a particular nature of surface term. (S-4 425.6)
  4. broken: fractured or in pieces. (adapted from Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary, 1984)
  5. sticky: having an adhesive or glue like property. (adapted from Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary, 1984)
  6. soft: not hard or firm. (adapted from Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary, 1984)
  7. stiff: not pliant; thick, resistant to flow. (adapted from Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary, 1984)
  8. volcanic: composed of or containing material ejected from a volcano. (adapted from Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary, 1984)
  9. calcareous: composed of or containing calcium or calcium carbonate. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 603)
  10. hard: firm; usually refers to an area of the sea floor not covered by unconsolidated sediment. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2194 and adapted from Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary, 1984)